These are the main stairs in the museum. As stairs go, they’re pretty fun in that there’s lots of interesting things to see as you go up and down them. Not the least of which is the 3 story climbing structure that is always full of kids navigating their way through.
the stairs to clean teeth
This week I’m looking at stairs. I realized the other day that I climb stairs a lot; when you have pneumonia and crossing the room makes you breathless, you become very aware of stairs.
These are the stairs at my dentist’s office. I don’t know if it’s carpet cleaner or what, but there is a very distinct peppery smell as you enter this building. I notice it every time.
His office is at the top, immediately on the right.
Parker foot
feet on a break
The fun thing about working with a theme is it’s making me look at things from a different point of view, and I’m actively searching for a particular subject, as opposed to just hoping to spot something vaguely interesting. However, today I came around the corner of the staff offices and happened upon a pair of feet sticking out of someone’s cube.
It’s one of our floor staff, on her lunch break and lying on the floor while chatting on the phone.
executive feet
I spotted the museum president walking around today with a new board member. I didn’t think it quite appropriate to ask if I could take a picture, but fortunately, they went and stood at the window for a moment and I was able to kneel down and get the shot before they turned.
that’s the president on the left, if you’re interested.
meeting feet
a circle of feet
all kinds of feet
Today some colleagues and I went over to the Museum of Science to see how they are using some collections items we gave them for their butterfly garden. So of course, I took some pictures of butterfly feet. (it’s hard to shoot just the feet, without getting the whole butterfly in).
Then we went down to the Live Animal Center, my old stomping grounds, and saw a huge variety of feet!
There were skink feet, and flying squirrel feet, and meerkat feet and alligator feet! (among others).
then we went to take a look at Triceratops Cliff. He had the biggest feet of everyone, even though he’s dead.
It was a very footful day indeed!