Georgia on my mind

This is Georgia.  She’s a Swiss Mountain Dog, the first I’ve ever met, and is a very sweet pup.

(Facebook friends, click through to see the bonus pics)DSCN7891~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I had a hard time choosing just one picture for today, so here’s a couple bonuses:  Beethoven, the Bernese Mountain Dog who is clearly exhausted from getting love and attention, and Odie, a Shepherd/Basset cross who is just flippin’ adorable.



the shadow knows

Went to the Museum of Science today with Zim and other friends.  It’s been ages since I went there just to play, instead of for a meeting or to see a particular exhibit or something.  It was fun.  This was an exhibit about math and scale–trying to take the two different bunny cut-outs and give them same-sized shadows.
