another Critter Day

It was live animal day at work again today, and the featured organization was Wingmasters, who do wonderful programs with birds of prey. Today, he brought a Peregrine Falcon, a Red-Tailed Hawk, a Barred Owl, and this little guy:
April 18 2009
This is a full-grown Eastern Screech Owl. I don’t know why they are called that, as they do not screech. You can listen to their call here.  I think it sounds like a ghost horse. Screeches may be small (this guy weighs in at 5 ounces), but they can still tear you up. They are very common here in New England, but are rarely seen since they are almost impossible to spot against a tree.  Cool birds.


Between the boxes and packing paper, it’s a party all the time for Parker and Winnie. Every night we hear the rustle-rustle of them investigating the piles of paper. Right now, as I type this, Winnie is in a little box that only holds her butt. And Parker is…well….Parker is here:
April 16 2009

passover breakfast

I’ve taken a page from Doug’s book and posted a picture of something I ate today.
April 12 2009
I know a lot of people don’t  like Passover, but I am not one of them. It’s challenging to come up with a good menu, but that’s no big deal. And it’s certainly a good excuse to whip up a batch of lox, matzah and eggs for breakfast!


Every month at work, the Art Educator decorates the Art Studio with samples that show a wide variety of the type of art being done that month in the Studio. This month, the kids are doing puppet-making and the Studio is full of marionettes, hand puppets, and finger puppets of all shapes and sizes. But I liked these two.
April 11 2009

good Pesach

There was a “feminist seder” at my moms’ UU church tonight. So naturally there was an orange on the seder plate.
April 10 2009
The story my mom told was that a rabbi supposedly said “we need a woman on the bimah like we need an orange on the seder plate.” But I just did a little research, and many web sites tell a different story. And it’s much more interesting.

Anyway, the seder was fun and I am completely stuffed.