I’ve always noticed that South Station is very well lit with natural light. The area where the trains are has no roof, but the platform where people wait does. It never really struck me that the platform is far brighter than one would expect. I’m sure I’d subconsciously been aware of the skylights, but I never paid them much attention before.
looking up: the doctor’s ceiling
The theme for the week is “looking up.” I was thinking the other day that most people don’t tend to look higher than their heads, and at about 5 feet tall, I think I may be missing out. So I’ll spend the week casting my eyes and my camera upward.
Of course, today’s picture was taken at the doctor’s office. Ladies, I’m sure you’re all familiar with this view, or something similar.
gettin’ around: by foot
gettin’ around: take to the seas!
The Tall Ships are in town this week, and there were just masses of people going to look at them. This is one of those things that I wonder why people drag their very young kids to–look, honey, a big boat. No, you can go on it and no, it’s not going anywhere and there aren’t any pirates, but you can sure look at it.
(actually, to this day, that kind of sums up my opinion of many historical-type destinations. But I suppose the boats are pretty.)
gettin’ around: follow the feet!
gettin’ around: blast off!
gettin around: bikes
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like
or, there’s also this
this has nothing to do with the theme, but how cute is this kid in a real spacesuit?