when I got off the train and came around the corner to the walkway that leads to the parking lot, I startled this little bunny.
mall trees
kitchen science
want to try something cool? color some water with food coloring–3 or 4 colors is good. take a piece of wax paper, lay it over a white sheet of paper. sprinkle about 10 drops of colored water onto the wax paper. use a straw to blow your dots around. put the whole set up in a baking sheet if you’re worried about mess.
add some instrumental music in the background, and you’ll be there for hours.
upside down turtle
gull chicks
There has been a pair of herring gulls nesting on the green roof at work, and at some point over the last few days, the eggs hatched. There are 3 chicks (in the photo, one of them is hiding under mom. or dad. hard to say.) I’m sure I’ll continue to photograph the little grey fuzzballs as they grow and turn into big grey gulls.
it will take a few years for them to come into the adult plumage their parents have, assuming they all make it to adulthood safely.
singing together…sort of
We had a good-bye party after work for a coworker who is moving on, as they say, to new challenges. He’s been supervising the teen workers at the museum for many years now; here’s two of this year’s teens trying to figure out how to sing “Horse with no Name.” Neither of them actually knows the song at all, but it only has like 3 chords in it, and the kid playing the guitar only knows about 3 chords. So there you are.
new mattress
Doug and I bought a new pillow-top mattress recently. Or should I say “dog kennel”?