so a little drama…one of the gulls managed to hop down from the ledge and couldn’t get back up. The accounting staff, whose office looks out on the roof, were all worried and made someone create a staircase out of boxes. It’s called “natural selection,” people! Who knows, his parents may feed him where he is. In the meantime, everyone else continues about their business as usual.
Went out to karaoke with friends from work. I embarrassed myself with an enthusiastic rendition of “Sweet Transvestite” but there was plenty of silliness to go around, and everyone had a good time.
museum of science
product labels
You know this sticker is here because some moron drank this torch fuel and then sued. Not a child, who probably couldn’t read what it was, but an adult who really should know better. Or possibly a drunk college student, who thought he’d drink it then spit it out and light it on fire. Yes, that was probably it.
in Cambridge
gulls growing
The gull chicks on the roof have grown quite a bit since the last time I posted. The chicks are wandering farther from the nest, exploring the rest of the roof while the parents stand nearby. They are strengthening their wings, such as they are at this point, by flapping them about and jumping up on the roof ledge. It’s really fun to watch them.