So I’ve been taking Spanish lessons for a while now. I’ve been through a few tutors who keep deserting me for unimportant things like pursuing graduate school. But I’ve been working with Daniel for several months now, and he’s really very good. He gives me homework. Feels like high school.
Author: lis
nesting cat
I am hoping to hold off on too many pictures of the cats. I suspect that as this project goes on, I will be photographing them more often as I run out of ideas. But this was too cute to pass up.
Parker loves to nest. He’s fickle about where he nests, but today he seems to want to be in this blanket.
I love that his tail is sticking out the back, and he probably has no idea.
Spoon Hat
(with apologies to Soundgarden)
If you cannot use your hands
This could be part of your plan, spoon hat
Pick your things up one by one
Even though it can’t be done, spoon hat
Spoon hat, on the head of my friend Matt
Try it–can you pick up this and that?
Spoon hat
With a spoon upon your head
Pick stuff up, that’s what I said, spoon hat
Load it up until it’s full
Though it’s just impossible, spoon hat
Pick your things up one by one
Even though it can’t be done, spoon hat
a shot in the arm
Actually, three shots: today it was “weed/cat/dog” in one arm and “trees/grass” and “cockroach/dust mites” in the other. The joy of allergy shots. I especially love it on the weeks they up the dose and my whole arm feels like it’s on fire and I’d like nothing more than to just claw it off right now. That’s just the best.
father and son
the Charlayne
Every office has a Charlayne. You know her, she’s the person who keeps a jar or two of candy in their office, available for anyone who wants some. Where I work, she doesn’t even care if she’s in the office when you come by. In fact, if she is in the office, you don’t even need to say hi to her; just grab a handful and go.
the Charlayne can be a dangerous person.
what can it mean?
It’s a picture of the fridge. Now why, you may ask, did I bother taking such an uninteresting picture. Well…the interesting thing is not so much the fridge, but the fact that there is something stuck to it. Having things on the fridge has been strictly verboten since we put our house on the market last July. So, the fact that there is something on the fridge can only mean one thing…
I know, I know…we got a foot of snow last week, and we’re supposed to get a couple of inches tomorrow. And even though it’s been near 60 for the past few days, it’s still March in New England and we can’t relax yet. But….there are flowers starting to peek their little heads up, so I know that spring is coming.