
I don’t know which struck my funny bone more: the sign that has a picture of a person sitting in a chair, in case you’re not sure what chairs are; or the note that assures the reader that putting the chairs back just isn’t all that hard.
July 23 2009

my god it’s full of stars

So we’ve had this inflatable planetarium, called a StarLab, for about a week at work, and we’ll have it for another week. It’s pretty cool, and it’s easy enough to use since our visitors are so young–we’re doing some very simple introductory programming.

It’s hard to get a picture of the inside of it, of course, because it’s dark. and since you can’t really use a flash, everything is blurry. But I still like this picture.
July 22 2009


I’m going back to basics this week, with no theme.

So as many of you faithful followers know, I am new to the world of bike riding, never having learned as a kid. Yesterday, Doug and I went for a ride along the Charles, which was lovely, and I had my first real spill.
July 20 2009
In addition to the loveliness you see here, I also have some other very nice scrapes and bruises. But none as pretty as this one.

feathered friend

another Critter Day at work, and these people had some really cool critters. Including this toucan, who sat on my arm and ate blueberries that I fed her. Then she was nibbling at my name tag and keys, and the camera when I held it up.
July 18 2009
I know it doesn’t fit in with the theme of the week, but hello…! it’s a toucan!!

looking up: construction

Insanely long day at work today and I still hadn’t taken a picture when I finally left. But as I was walking to the train station I glanced up at the roof of this building that’s been under construction since approximately forever. There is an enormous crane on top of it. Enormous. How do they get these things up there???
JUly 15 2009