There are large windows above the doors as you enter South Station. They often contain large print ads. Right now they are advertising Blue Man Group (which, if you haven’t seen…hellloooo! what are you waiting for!); at any rate, this L is from the word “BALD.”
September 22 2009


This week, for no particular reason, I am going to photograph the letters of my name (plus the first initial of my last name to make 7 letters).

This “A” is probably fairly recognizable to some. I can’t promise that will be true of the rest of the letters I photograph this week…I’ll just have to see what catches my eye.
September 21 2009

happy post-birthday

Doug’s birthday was on Friday, and we celebrated it yesterday. A bunch of folks went out to Spectacle Island with Doug for the day, and then a whole bunch of us met for dinner. Doug got to wear the awesome “birthday boy” hat pictured here, and he got a lot of cards and generally had  a pretty great day.
September 20 2009

people at work: worker bee

OK, so they’re not people. But they are working, all the time.
Today was a Critter Day at work, and we  had a beekeeper join us, with his small demonstration hive of bees. Even if you’re kind of afraid of bees, you have to admit they’re pretty amazing. These are probably the female worker bees, who do all the harvesting of pollen, making the honey, building the hive, etc. The male drones just mate with the queen. They’re driven out in the winter when the queen’s not laying, since all they’d do is sit around and eat. Hmm.
September 19 2009

people at work: conductor

Here’s a thankless job. I always feel bad for the conductors–no one is particularly nice to them (I myself am usually asleep when they come around), but everyone is happy to complain to them. If the train is late, too crowded, too hot, too cold, too expensive–you name it. And the conductor has no control over these things. They must have the thickest skins of anyone.
September 17 2009

snack shop

Geez, at most snack shops you can get chips, maybe a Slushee. But at this one you can get a Mercedes, a Honda…
September 13 2009
Funny story: apparently the cashier was pissed that I took a picture. The “policy” is to ask for permission. Now, I ask you, what gas station has a policy about photos? Why would that be?