this afternoon

It was a 3 hour training (on what do in case of an “active shooter”), and while it wasn’t exactly bullshit, I’d prefer we spend this kind of time and money on training for things that actually happen regularly.  Regardless, these socks are great fun.


llama drama

Came in to work this morning to find this little guy on my desk.  No note or anything. People do like to leave strange things on my desk.  This one turned out to be a gift from a coworker who just got back from Chile.

dinos in winter

Today at work we made snow “globes” using a few of the little plastic dinosaurs that I have on my desk (what?  like you have nothing weird on your desk.)  We added some yarn to give them some seaweed to hide in.  And yes, this was during a meeting, so I got paid for the time.