extraction It’s a lot easier to remove teeth from a jaw when it’s been in a pot of boiling water for a few hours.
dig in I’m not sure what they’re feasting on…some kind of fries, maybe?…but by the sound of things, they were enjoying it very much.
blurb This may be the first time I have laughed, out loud, in the library, at the inside of a book’s dust jacket.
Audrey II Saw a thoroughly enjoyable production of “Little Shop of Horrors” at the Lyric Stage today. Audrey II was voiced by a woman, which was an unusual choice, but was still fantastic.
here we go again Only there’s more! More than ever! I’m amused that the only one missing a box is the Rice Krispies.
bye for now I wish it had been as nice at the beginning of the week as it was at the end of the week, but we had a great time, nonetheless. See you next year, OB!
porch lights Doug bought these awesome little lights a couple years ago. and they look so pretty on the porch railing at the rental house.