I try not to most too many Russo’s pics, but these hot peppers were so bright and cheerful, I couldn’t resist them. At least for photography….no way in hell I’d eat these.
The salad bar also included Vegan Corn and Vegan Peas. BUT NOTHING ELSE WAS LABELLED VEGAN. What are they doing to their carrots? spinach? peppers? What on earth is happening???
“How many times are you going to post a picture of Ferrous being adorable under a blanket?!??!?”
“You should only know how many times I don’t photograph Ferrous being adorable under a blanket.”
Spent Saturday afternoon at an event with the Boston Nature Center. It was called “Rocking with Raptors” but I only saw one raptor. But I saw many goats.
Did some organizing upstairs in the resource room today, and came away with this box of stuff that I want to keep in my office. Because sometimes, you just need a hand.