Not a clear picture at all, but take my word that it’s a pair of eider ducks, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen them in the Fort Point Channel before. So I thought it was cool.
table cards
row row row
Went to the “Create Curiosity Fair” at WBUR tonight. Our neighbors the Community Boat Builders were there with this boat that had been made by a class of 5th graders. This picture looks like a painting, I think. I didn’t do anything to it, no filters, no Prisma, nothing. It just came out this way. I like it.
silkscreen turtle
oh hail
oh rats…not
well dressed kitty
an alarming afternoon
2020 is not off to a good start, library-wise. First, I lose my book list. Then, the library can’t help me retrieve it. Then, while I am sitting at a library computer, working on recreating it, the fire alarm goes off. Luckily, we were only outside 10-15 minutes; I could have gone to wait in my car, but it wasn’t that bad out.