
some kind of critters ran across our yard last night. I suspect the smaller tracks belong to a squirrel. The larger tracks could be a fox, skunk or neighborhood dog, among other things.Jan 2 2009

in the beginning

Happy New Year. This is the beginning of what I hope will be a
successful year of Project 365. Project 365 is a photography challenge
where you take one picture every day for a year. Sounds easy, but I
hear that after a while it gets difficult or tedious or boring. But I’m
going to give it my best. My plan is to take pictures that are notable
of a given event when there is one but to otherwise just take shots
that look interesting to me. I will probably borrow from Flickr’s page
of Project 365 weekly challenges as well  I hope people will check back often, which will  help me stay motivated for this project.

For picture one, I just wanted to acknowledge the day, which is of course the first day of the new year:Jan 1 2009