I’ve usually left work by the time it’s dark enough for these lights to look pretty, but last night I went out to dinner near the museum. This is the view of the Northern Ave bridge while crossing the channel on the Congress St bridge.
junk drawer
tools of the trade
When you’ve got a few hours of snow followed by freezing rain and rain, then a very cold night, you wake up to a big solid mass of frozen slush. A standard snow shovel will not suffice alone. What you need is some salt, some sun, a regular metal digging shovel, then a snow shovel to remove the chipped ice. Followed by a massage.
buzz buzz
workin’ for a livin’
money that’s what I want
the dog’s pajamas
I had to escape the house for a showing this afternoon, so I went and hung out and the moms’. This is a picture of their dog, Micki, who is a miniature pinscher. Picture a Doberman, but about only about 10lbs. That’s Micki. Like many small dogs, especially those with short hair, she gets cold easily, so the moms have an assortment of sweaters, sweatshirts and pajamas for her.
happy new year
what’s in the box?
you know it’s cold when…
…the Fort Point Channel has ice. The channel runs in from Boston Harbor so it’s saltwater. It takes a good bit of cold for it to freeze over.
The first pictures I snapped today were of gulls sitting on the ice, but then I spotted two Common Mergansers, and decided to try to get one of them in the shot instead.