
This place hasn’t been called McCarthy’s for years, but Doug and I still refer to it that way. Someone named Mauro bought and renamed it a while back, but fortunately didn’t change much else. It’s our favorite place to get breakfast on Sunday mornings–good simple food for cheap. During the week, it seems to be trapped about 45 years ago–the retired men next to the construction guys at the counter at lunchtime; short order cook giving everyone a little lip; waitresses who call everyone “dear.”  I hope we find somplace like it near our new house.
April 26 2009

who nose?

I have a giant nose in my office. (what, you don’t?) It makes an appearance once a year, for our annual Sense of Smell Day celebration (what, you didn’t know about Sense of Smell Day?  you gotta get out more).
April 25 2009


(by the late and very very great George Carlin)
I’m aware some stare at my hair.

In fact, to be fair,

Some really despair of my hair.

But I don’t care,

Cause they’re not aware,

Nor are they devonaire.

In fact, they’re just square.

They see hair down to there,

Say, “Beware” and go off on a tear!

I say, “No fair!”

A head that’s bare is really nowhere.

So be like a bear, be fair with your hair!

Show it you care.

Wear it to there.

Or to there.

Or to there, if you dare!

My wife bought some hair at a fair, to use as a spare.

Did I care?

Au contraire!

Spare hair is fair!

In fact, hair can be rare.

Fred Astair got no hair,

Nor does a chair,

Nor nor a chocolate eclair,

And where is the hair on a pear?

Nowhere, mon frere!

So now that I’ve shared this affair of the hair,

I’m going to repair to my lair and use Nair, do you care?
April 23 2009

(I got a haircut today.)


the variety in size and shape of mushrooms is astonishing. I suppose some would consider it more astonishing that I won’t willingly eat any of them.

April 20 2009
the poor shitake mushroom is not helped by the fact that every time I see the word, I read it as “shit cake.”

wooly wooly

There is a small farm up the street that we often walk to so we can “visit the llamas.” Yesterday, we walked up there to take a break from packing and the farmer was out in the driveway drying the wool that they had just shorn from the sheep that morning. April 19 2009

another Critter Day

It was live animal day at work again today, and the featured organization was Wingmasters, who do wonderful programs with birds of prey. Today, he brought a Peregrine Falcon, a Red-Tailed Hawk, a Barred Owl, and this little guy:
April 18 2009
This is a full-grown Eastern Screech Owl. I don’t know why they are called that, as they do not screech. You can listen to their call here.  I think it sounds like a ghost horse. Screeches may be small (this guy weighs in at 5 ounces), but they can still tear you up. They are very common here in New England, but are rarely seen since they are almost impossible to spot against a tree.  Cool birds.