Jen and I stopped into the infamous Murdick’s to get some fudge, and we watched the experts pour it out onto a marble table to fold and cut it. After he’d folded it, he cut off the ends into small pieces for the watching customers to sample; it was still just a little bit warm. Quite possibly the best thing I’ve ever eaten in my entire life.
on our way
At last! It’s time to head off to Martha’s Vineyard for a week. Packing for the Vineyard is a challenge, because it’s an island and subject to all kinds of weather. So I’ve got everything from tank tops to fleece jackets, sandals to rain shoes. And of course, plenty of books suitable for porch reading. Can’t wait.
whose tractor??
up your nose with a rubber hose!
or in this case, an endoscopic camera.
for all of you who have ever wondered what the inside of my nose looks like…
yep, there’s a polyp in there all right. not surprising. and yes, the doctor was highly amused when I asked if I could take a couple pictures.
birdie want a cookie?
so I went out and got myself a little treat in the form of a peanut butter cookie at local bakery and cafe flour. While I was enjoying my cookie, this little sparrow hopped up on the table and tried to carry it off, even though the cookie outweighed her by a good margin. I even tried to explain this to her, but she ignored me. Instead, she pecked a few crumbs away and ate them right there on the table. It was a pretty big cookie, so I didn’t really mind sharing.