We washed a bunch of our little rugs today, including this one that goes in the downstairs bath. The power washer is actually pretty fun to use, and does a scary good job of loosing a bunch of dirt and crap you didn’t even know was there.
horse ‘n’ buggy
the carrots of many colors
We specially ordered a bag of carrots with our Boston Organics order today. I never knew carrots came in red and yellow too(and yes, they are carrots, not parsnips)! They added lovely color to our salads tonight.
it’s the word
summer showers
made in the shade
happy as a clam
That is the sound that young llamas make, like this one that Rachel and I saw at the Farmers’ Market in West Tisbury today. We bought lots of tasty fresh veggies that were consumed with a fabulous lobster dinner this evening. Every year we have one big meal at the house, usually Saturday because the weekends have lots of vacationers clogging the restaurants.