stormy and sunny

This is the sort of thing I might not have noticed before beginning this project.
When I left work, I saw that the sky in one direction was dark, cloudy and threatening; the sky in the opposite direction was blue and sunny. I was thinking “man, I wish there was a way to get both skies in the same photo.”  It turns out…there is.
August 26 2009


Today at work we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the sister city relationship between Kyoto (Japan) and Boston. The mayor of Kyoto was there, as well as other notable types. Kyoto gave us some wonderful gifts, including a number of child-sized kimono.

The kids all looked really cute, but of course they hadn’t changed their shoes. I I just loved the juxtaposition of the traditional Japanese outfit with the oh-so American footwear.
August 25 2009


We washed a bunch of our little rugs today, including this one that goes in the downstairs bath. The power washer is actually pretty fun to use, and does a scary good job of loosing a bunch of dirt and crap you didn’t even  know was there.
August 23 2009