Today was one of those perfectly beautiful fall days with a crystal clear blue sky. Too bad that tomorrow is forecast to be rainy and miserable all day. I guess we’ll take the nice weather where we can get it.
kind of blue: Angus
This is Angus. He is a blue-tongued skink, and you can see why. There are lots of different types of skinks; the blue-tongue is native to Australia. His tongue is blue as a defense mechanism; not to many animals are that brightly colored, and the ones who are are often venomous (think: poison dart frogs). But Angus is not venomous, so it’s a bluff. I like Angus, in spite of his kind of ornery personality. He reminds me a bit of Eeyore, from the Winnie-the-Pooh stories.
I’m bummed that this shot isn’t more in focus, but it’s hard to know when a lizard is going to stick its tongue out and I’m not about to reach in there and pull it out; he may not be venomous, but he’s still got teeth!
kind of blue: the blue cave
kind of blue: forever in blue jeans
I had been noticing that a lot of people were wearing jeans at a retirement party after work, and I got thinking–why are jeans blue anyway? and decided blue jeans fit my theme nicely.
So this started out as a picture of just blue jeans. But then Bridget pulled out the denim hat too (it’s her special “crafty” hat), and I declared her to be a vision in blue and went with that.
kind of blue: hydrangea
The theme of the week is “blue.” At the end of June and beginning of July, I spent a week on the color red, and it was pretty fun.
This hydrangea bloom is the last burst of color in the yard, aside from green. I’m sure it will fade soon enough, as will the green and we’ll be in a season of drab grays and browns. …sigh…
There are a lot of signs at work over various exhibits. I picked this letter off the Art Studio.
As I puttered around this morning, I kept hearing this tap-tap-tapping noise outside the house. When I left for work, this is what I saw up on the side by the guest room window.
any suggestions on how to get rid of him would be most welcome.