Winnie #3

As mentioned previously, Winnie is a shy kitty. If there are too many people around, it makes her nervous. Even if they are being relatively still, it takes her while to decide to come out. But when it’s just us, she is a very affectionate and happy kitty, strutting about with her tail in the air.
November 5 2009

Winnie #2

Here’s a funny thing about our kitties: Parker is very social, not afraid of strangers and always getting into things. He’s also incredibly neurotic and clingy. Winnie is skittish and shy and much more methodical. But she’s not a lap cat. She likes to be with the people (that is, Doug and me), but not on the people.
November 4 2009

Winnie #1

it’s the week of  Winnie. A coworker recently pointed out that I had a lot of pictures of Parker and not so many of Winnie, and accused me of favoritism. This is 100% untrue. The problem is that Winnie tends to hide more, or settle in one spot and stay there, and is not as out and about as Parker is.  But she is adorable. Part of it is that her eyes are constantly dilated, which somehow equals “cute helpless kitty.”
November 3 2009


I went with Leah to her horseback riding lesson today. The first part of every lesson is grooming the horse. Leah is quite little and horses are quite big, but they seem quite comfortable around one another.
October 31 2009


When my brother told me that he got a Border Collie/Australian Shepherd mix, I was pretty concerned. Not a quiet mellow dog, this, and there are already three cats and an 8 year old in the house. But I was pleasantly surprised; Trixie is well behaved and very very sweet.
October 30 2009