
I got hold of this black plastic netting. We’re going to use it to block off access to the little ledge at the very top of our stairs. We don’t want the kitties getting out there; if they lose their balance it’s a two story drop. We’ve been using a cardboard box for this purpose, but I think this stuff will work out just fine.
November 14 2009

kitchen science

How to Make Cabbage Juice pH Indicator

Boil about 4 quarts of water.
Shred a small head of purple cabbage
Pour boiling water over cabbage
Let stand for an hour or so
Remove cabbage

The purple water (top left) will indicate if something is an acid by turning pink (right), or a base by turning blue or green (bottom left) when you add it to the cabbage juice.
November 13 2009
ain’t science cool?


Today was Boston Ballet Day at work. It was madness. One of the activities was an “instrument petting zoo” where kids could get a look at different musical instruments, and try handling some of them.
November 11 2009
On days like this, the staff gets punchy. Here is Bridget, demonstrating an easy way to check if your packing peanuts are the cornstarch type–if they stick to your tongue, they are.
November 11 2009a

Winnie’s workshop

All last week, for the Week of Winnie, I was hoping to get a picture like this one. But she didn’t cooperate. But here it is now.

A couple months ago, we were having work done on the house that required us to lock the kitties in the kitchen area. We grabbed a box so that Winnie especially would have someplace to hide out, and she liked it so much, we moved it to the living room when the project was over. Marc and Michaela called it her workshop, because it was labeled as such from when we moved, so that’s how it is now known.
November 10 2009

fall cleanup

Yesterday was one of those gifts of a day in November…sunny and around 70 degrees. I imagine just about everyone in New England was out raking leaves, cleaning gutters, or doing some other outdoor project around the house. We certainly were (though this isn’t our house).
November 9 2009

Winnie #5

For all that Winnie is completely adorable, she is a difficult photographic subject. She tends to hang out in the same spots and does not do the goofy things that Parker does. I think she also doesn’t like the sound of the camera, so catching her in a cute pose is hard because she moves away when the camera whirs. So tonight’s picture was one of many, with me growing more frustrated.  But I still like this one.
November 7 2009