We picked up the first share of meat from the CSA today. When you do this, you arrive at this field and there are little coolers lined up on the ground. You have to walk among them to find the one with your name on it. Off to the side are boxes with assorted parts (like livers and tongues, which we are totally buying next time) and eggs, which we did buy today.
if it must
Milk Bottle
I can’t believe it took me 338 days into this project to finally take a picture of the Milk Bottle. Did you know that if it were real, it could hold 58,000 gallons of milk? That’s a lot of cows.
boys and their toys
angry angry angry
Buddha’s hand
Once again, my photographic inspiration comes from my weekly run to Russo’s. I remember seeing this bizarre fruit a year ago, and reading that it’s only ripe for a brief time, so I figured I’d better get a picture while I could. My first shot was of the whole basket of these things, but that didn’t really show how strange they are. What I am holding in my hand here is just one fruit.
into the woods
Doug and I did a little geocaching this afternoon in a couple of parks in the Auburndale village of Newton. We found all three caches too. On one of the trails, we found this directional sign, pointing you to the three possible trails you could follow. You may notice, however, that there are actually only two.
Turkey 2.0
turkey salad, turkey soup, turkey sandwiches and my favorite….turkey pie. Doug made two today, and put on in the freezer for future tastiness. This was a particularly delicious bird, ordered from the meat CSA that we joined. It was a humanely raised, free range, naturally fed bird, and it showed in the eatin’!