anyone who knows me knows that I am insane for wolves. Always have been, even before they got trendy. So when I heard about this educational group, Wolf Talk, I immediately booked them for a monthly Critter Day at work. This one, I told everyone, is for me. I have been doing this program for 8 or 9 years, and by god, this one’s for me and me alone and if the visitors like it, well that’s nice too. (as it turned out, they loved it. so, win-win.)
sad snack
As happens in most workplaces, occasionally people leave food in the break room for general consumption–leftover sandwiches from a meeting, some cookies, that sort of thing. This morning there was this very pathetic little offering: a small unappetizing orange or similar, and a creepy stained glass cookie that’s probably at least a month old.
Usually, break room offerings are snatched up almost immediately. This plate was there for hours…
got pants?
the irresistible Winnie
I love trash
This machine fascinates me. A few months ago, the town switched to this system for trash pick-up. A robotic arm on the side of the truck picks up your bin, lifts it up and above the truck and dumps the contents in. Apparently, it can even do two at once!
We’ve been amused at how much trouble some residents are having with the new guidelines. It’s not rocket science, really.
the end*
well, this is it. one photo a day for an entire year. didn’t miss a single one, although I had to use alternate cameras a couple of times, and had to buy a new one in the middle. there are a few pictures that I really like: October 6, June 14 , July 2, January 15, to name a few. Some photos were pretty crappy, but at least I took them!
I’m pretty pleased with myself for managing to succeed with this. I’ve definitely developed more of an eye for what will make an interesting picture and learned to use my camera. *So while I think Project365 itself may be over, I’m going to continue to carry my camera around, just in case there’s something interesting to see. If there is, I’ll be sure to post it here. And who knows…maybe I’ll try this again someday.
at the beach
a good eye
One of the goals of this project was to develop a better eye for photos. I certainly got more experimental with my photography as the year went on, and got to know my camera’s features. So I suppose my eye did improve. What do you think?