The chicks are nearly as big as their parents now, but the adults still feed them. (hm….sounds like humans….) In this shot, the adult has just horked up a tasty meal for the chicks to eat. I’m lucky I got this picture, because the fish was gone in seconds.
a necessary sign
shooting the scene
While at the Arnold Arboretum today, Doug and I spent quite a while watching a spider take down a caterpillar. I was fascinated. Doug, having the better camera for this sort of thing, got in there and got some great shots.
curious cat
lonely car
My turn to post a picture of my lonely car in the lot because I stayed late at work. Why? A combination of a 12 year old dropped off at the museum with no parent, a kid who jammed his finger in an exhibit and necessitated a 911 call, and a 2 year old who was missing for 15 minutes (which, trust me, is a really long time). All is well now….mom was finally located, finger is not broken, and child was found.