let’s go fly a kite

we brought our kites down to Ocean Park today. Doug and I bought a stunt kite recently, and Jeff also has one, very different from ours, so it was fun to try the different kites. Flying a stunt kite is very different from flying a regular kite; here’s Kat getting a few pointers from Jeff.
August 11 2010

surprise visitor

This fabulous creature appeared on the 3rd floor of the museum today, probably brought their on the backpack of some visitor. I brought her home and released her in the garden. This is, amusingly enough, not my first picture of a praying mantis, but the other one was part of a program, and therefore less surprising.
August 7 2010


I managed to snap back the nail on my big toe today. It hurts quite a bit. I imagine it will look even prettier in the next day or so.
august 6 2010

groceries no more

This bag has been sitting on the bridge over the train tracks for about two weeks. Maybe more. It clearly started as some actual food, possibly including a rotisserie chicken. I’m not sure. It’s certainly not recognizable anymore, although, strangely, it doesn’t smell.
August 5 2010