lonely car

My turn to post a picture of my lonely car in the lot because I stayed late at work. Why? A combination of a 12 year old dropped off at the museum with no parent, a kid who jammed his finger in an exhibit and necessitated a 911 call, and a 2 year old who was missing for 15 minutes (which, trust me, is a really long time). All is well now….mom was finally located, finger is not broken, and child was found.
July 30 2010

gulls week 3

so a little drama…one of the gulls managed to hop down from the ledge and couldn’t get back up. The accounting staff, whose office looks out on the roof, were all worried and made someone create a staircase out of boxes. It’s called “natural selection,”  people!  Who knows, his parents may feed him where he is. In the meantime, everyone else continues about their business as usual.
July 23 2010