I had today off so I went to the local farmer’s market. It was packed; I had to park quite a few blocks away. There were a bunch of kids there too, and I was wondering why there was no school already when 2 girls explained they were on a field trip (to a farmer’s market?). Anyway, there was lots of tasty stuff to be had and it was a beautiful day too.
sprinkler system
so the story here isn’t really about the subject of the picture (it just caught my eye), but of the taking of the picture. I was kneeling in the middle of sidewalk, and nobody stopped for a sec to let me take me picture. In fact, nobody even bothered to go behind me. They all just walked right in front of me, mostly on their phones. More proof that the average person does not pay any attention to things happening outside their immediate space.
Back Bay
I often see this skyline when I am driving west on the Pike and think what a nice picture it would make, but too bad I can’t take one just then. But today, Doug and I went to the SoWa Market in the South End, and on the way back, we walked right over the Pike. Seemed silly to not take advantage of the opportunity.
oh say can you vitamin C
I told my boss I had to go home early tonight to make some vitamin C indicator. She said that was fine.
1. Mix 1 tablespoon of cornstach into enough water to make paste.
2. To this paste, add 250 milliliters of water and boil for 5 minutes.
3. Add 10 drops of the starch solution to 75 milliliters of water (use an eyedropper).
4. Add enough iodine to produce a dark purple-blue color. Now your indicator solution is ready.
There’s a new art installation at work. It’s called “Heavy Metal” and features the work of several artists who use “found objects” in their work, particularly metal objects. This piece, called “magic hat” is among my favorites. I suspect that many people will not recognize these bottlecaps, and thus will not get the pun.
a close-up of the bottlecaps:
Doug with fish
fake food
People who work in education and/or exhibits are familiar with fake food and the wide variety of it that you can purchase. But really, taking this picture was just an excuse for me to post a link to this awesome song about toy food.
paper art
My friend and coworker Bridget has covered one of the windows with kirigami that she created. It wasn’t really my plan to take this picture; I was actually trying to take another one, but the shadows were “ruining” it. Then I realized this would make a much more interesting shot.