Although the biggest favor of the day came from Mother Nature, who gave the happy couple a glorious and sunny fall day.
frog and gator
new exhibit
This is what an exhibit looks like before you, the museum visitor, see it.
You may recall last time there were Children from Hangzhou in the boxes. This time there are Five Friends from Japan.
dogs love trucks
did she or didn’t she?
tools of the beekeeper
Another Critter Day, another visit by the wonderful Tony Lulek, beekeeper. The bees are really fascinating to the kids and the adults, and the kids especially enjoy trying on some of the gear.
one man’s trash…
Every now and again, a piece of art appears in the Fort Point Channel. At least they tell me it’s art. I don’t know; I’m not an art person. Put me in the MFA and I’m pretty much done in 15 minutes. I’m sure this floating sculpture is making a statement of some kind; that is, other than, “hmm, I have some plastic crap that will probably float. let’s find out.” I don’t know. I just don’t get it.
I wonder what the gull makes of it, though…
farmer’s market
I had today off so I went to the local farmer’s market. It was packed; I had to park quite a few blocks away. There were a bunch of kids there too, and I was wondering why there was no school already when 2 girls explained they were on a field trip (to a farmer’s market?). Anyway, there was lots of tasty stuff to be had and it was a beautiful day too.
sprinkler system
so the story here isn’t really about the subject of the picture (it just caught my eye), but of the taking of the picture. I was kneeling in the middle of sidewalk, and nobody stopped for a sec to let me take me picture. In fact, nobody even bothered to go behind me. They all just walked right in front of me, mostly on their phones. More proof that the average person does not pay any attention to things happening outside their immediate space.