I went to a workshop tonight on using theater and storytelling to teach environmental education. The leader had a number of props, including this guy.
“I work there at Yamagato, and we fly here and we drive that car everywhere – blue Nissan Versa. It’s parked outside right now!” –Hiro Nakamura
(years from now, I’ll look back at this picture and this quote and wonder what the hell I was talking about. so, future self, it’s from the TV show Heroes.” which ended up being really disappointing, but Hiro was a great character and the bit with the Versa was great and so made me smile when I parked behind one.)
all fall down
We took our first stab at raking leaves today. While it is significantly easier to do than it was in our old house because the yard is much smaller, we actually have to pick up and bag the leaves, which is kind of a pain. In Southboro, we just blew them back to the woods; as Doug would say “they gave them to us, they can have them back.”
junior chemist
how to send a fax
outside my office
Recently, some friends who are also doing Project365 posted pictures of the various toys they have on and around their desks. This is a picture of what’s right outside my office door.
The shoes are size 18 and belonged to some former Celtics player. They are there for the person who follows me whenever I leave this job
The box is full of materials that were sent to me for a program coming up soon.
The chicken is….I don’t know why the chicken is there.
I do not understand this ad campaign. Why will Svedka win best vodka in 2033? Does it suck now, and it will take that long for them to get it right? And how do they know that anyway? And why should we care about it now? Why do robots like Svedka–is it really some kind of oil or mechanical lubricant that’s good for robots? Speaking of robots, do they need to have big tits?
I just don’t get the whole thing.
my friend and former coworker Claire came to work today with her dog, Pooka. Pooka is a mini goldendoodle and is really the perfect size dog. Small enough to be manageable, but big enough to clearly be a Dog, and not a little yappy ball of fur. And very sweet.