
I had to go to the post office today. There were 2 minutes left on the meter when I arrived, and I figured the week before Christmas, the PO would be a zoo, so I fed the meter a quarter. And was out 4 minutes later. So, if someone parked there after me, I guess they got a bit of a gift.
December 13 2010


At about 9:45 this morning, one of the sprinklers went off at work. In seconds, the climbing structure was soaked, the floor was covered in 5 inches of water, the stairs were wet, and the fire alarm went off. We were allowed back in after about 15 minutes but the damage to the floor was extensive. Luckily, there wasn’t much exhibit damage, aside from the climber, and there were no visitors in the museum at the time; thank heavens there were no kids in the climber and no one on staff was  hurt. The museum remained closed until 5:00 today, but it’s still far from back to normal. The next few days should be interesting.
December 10 2010 a

one picture didn’t quite cover it, so there are two today
December 10 2010b

reading is hard

at long last, the image that inspired me to think about Project365 in the first place. I used to see people all the time, standing in front of the “no smoking sign,” lit cigarette in hand, and I would think “man, I wish I had a camera!”  And then I started having a camera all the time, people stopped doing it. Until tonight. Finally.
December 7 2010

Prepare Ye

One of the reasons I enjoy “Godspell” so much (besides the great music) is that the lack of any real plot allows each company to interpret it however they like, so no two productions are exactly the same. Our local community theater always does a great job too.
December 5 2010


Lately Oliver has been a very active guy and is actually spending time climbing on his branch. That said, I’m pretty sure he was asleep when I took this.  (Snakes have no eyelids and therefore can’t shut their eyes, so it’s hard to be sure.)
December 4 2010


The good folks at Hood are lighting the Milk Bottle for the holidays. So naturally, there’s a giant carton of egg nog in the lobby. There is no corresponding giant bottle of rum, however.
December 3 2010