We went zip lining today. I was fairly terrified, but still managed to do it. It was fun, but I think I can consider it something I can check off my list of experiences and not do it again.
the story behind the story
Once we’ve posted the entire gallery of pictures from this trip, I’m certain you will see Doug’s pictures of this beautiful jay. What the picture won’t show you is that the jay was one of several who were very cooperative and completely unfazed by our presence. Here’s Doug and our guide Mario taking advantage of the birds’ lack of interest in them.
Small waterfall
Humid Hike
the ants go marching
sunset at La Cusinga
Merry Christmas
Today we went snorkeling, something I have never done before on Christmas and am not all that likely to ever do again. Sadly, I do not have an underwater camera, so I have no shots of the many fish we saw, just this picture of pasty white North Americans heading back to the bus after a great morning on the water.
our new room
big tree
we took a short ride down to the beach today, and I spotted a very tiny shell moving down the beach in a rather deliberate way. I picked it up and promptly got some tiny little pinches. I put it back down and he hid for a moment before scurrying away. This little guy was probably about the size of my pinkie fingernail.