This car has been parked at the library for weeks. Not cool–the snowbanks have already eliminated a number of spaces, so it’s more difficult than usual to find a spot. I mentioned it to someone and she sort of shrugged. Useful.
Doug and I went snowshoeing today for the first time this season. Part of the trail was still fresh so we had to break it–no easy task. The snow has a crust on top now, and while the snowshoes keep you from sinking in up to your hip, you still sink in a bit, so it was tough going. But still fun and a good workout.
shear madness
Went to see my friend Mike perform in Shear Madness, which is always a good time. And Mike was fantastic. He informed us that this wallpaper pattern is actually called “Shear Madness.”
dragon teeth?
sweet treat
ice ice baby
tally me bananas
welcome hermies!
We’re trying our next great adventure in animal keeping at work with this guy and three more like him. I think he’s cute.
Meanwhile, all four hermit crabs need names (not that we’ll really be able to tell them apart long-term and we can’t tell their genders) and the folks at work have fallen down on the job of coming up with good suggestions.