this was the first time I can remember when they just made the blanket statement that every train would be delayed. somewhere between 5 and 30 minutes. mine departed a respectable 20 minutes late.
I see dead people
not fore you
hot spot
really really dumb
it’s kind of alarming that this is not the first picture of a box of hair that I’ve taken at work. maybe even more alarming than my coworker taking a glance at the unlabeled box and exclaiming, “oh! I bet that’s the box of hair!”
permission to board
Here’s what Parker does: first, he paces around at my feet before finally putting his front paws up on my leg. I usually pat my lap and invite him to hop on, but he will stand here for a couple minutes before deciding what to do. If he hops back down to the floor, he will resume pacing and meowing. He’s very silly.