I was happy to be able to get Ollie off the eggs without incident. Turns out, they’re all what herpetologists call “slugs.” So I will dispose of them. What an exciting little chapter in Ollie’s story.
For days, Ollie has been under his log. Hasn’t budged. Usually that means he’s shedding, but he just shed a few weeks ago. So today, I stomped in there, told him I’d had enough, opened the tank….and found this. And now I am totally flipping out. Flipping…the… fuck…out…..
Bob and Kat had a birthday/July 4th BBQ today. These are the remains, on their kitchen counter. And it all felt so normal, sitting around, eating too much, catching up with friends. Good times, at last.
There is a wall at the back of the turtle tank to keep them from falling out, and there are holes in it so we can lift it off to access the tank as needed. I took this shot through one of the holes, to see a view of Frida turtle “sunning” herself.
Happily, it wasn’t too terribly hot outside today and I enjoyed watching our young artist. I particularly liked this mosaic that used all the colors over several squares of tile.
Made many signs to post around the neighborhood today. Fingers crossed. And yes, there is another set of signs with arrows pointing in the other direction.