I admit to being intimidated by Home Depot and stores like it. I guess it’s the whole idea of buying something that needs to be carted around in one of these:
Category: Uncategorized
going to the V-E-T
Everyone I know spells it out for their pets, and I have no idea why we do it. But anyway, today was the kitties’ annual check-up. Both got good clean bills of health, although Winnie seems to be developing a bit of arthritis in her left knee. The vet said it was pretty stiff, and gave us some meds to sprinkle into Winnie’s food.
Fortunately for our vet, both kitties are very good natured. Parker may not be happy about what’s happening in this picture, but he doesn’t get violent about it.
check your calendar
don’t be cruel
comfy feet
hangin’ on
I wasn’t planning to use another work picture today, but I thought this was so hilarious. It’s from the health and fitness exhibit; it’s just a turnstile. I was laughing so hard when I saw the kids doing this–look at the girl in pink. She’s not pushing at all. In fact she’s facing the opposite direction from the other kids and her feet are off the ground. She’s just along for the ride.
The other reason I like this picture is that I don’t think any of the kids in it know each other.
National Engineering Week continues at work. Today we did the classic egg drop activity. Kids were challenged to use materials from the Recycle Shop to create something that would protect their egg when it was dropped over a railing to the lobby below. Lots of fun. Huge mess. Huge.
Here is one visitor leaning over the railing waiting for the verdict from a staff member below, who was tearing open packaging to see the outcome.
at work 2
smoke ’em if you got ’em
This is my nebulizer, affectionately known as the “peace pipe.” In the ongoing quest to figure out how to treat my mystery cough (going on 4? years now), the doc has me taking an antibiotic with this thing. I’m on it til the end of the month, then off it for a month, then back on. It seems to help a bit, but still doesn’t explain why I have the cough in the first place.