
Don’t know why I was looking at the ground again today. Anyway, spotted this little arrangement:
March 26 2009
If this were a Stephen King story, this symbol would pop up all over the place and have some strange sinister meaning. As it is, it’s probably a standard surveying sign or something equally pedestrian. 


I had to have some blood drawn yesterday. No big deal. As usual, when they were done they taped a bit of gauze over the spot.

And then last night (because I’m a big baby), I asked Doug to take the bandage off for me, and do it quick. Which he did. Only the %&$* tape took a patch of my skin with it!
March 24 2009
See? the spot on the right is the bruise from the needle, to be expected. The red area on the left is where my skin used to be. And that’s just not right.


I don’t mind folding laundry. I think it has to do with the idea of starting with something messy or dirty, and ending with something neat and clean. I don’t mind washing dishes either. Doug hates folding laundry, but it works out OK–I hate emptying the dishwasher.
March 23 2009


I am not a big fan of bugs. I think they’re gross. I don’t generally think they are scary, I just think they’re icky. Unless they’re outside. Most bugs outside are OK;  it’s like I’m on their turf. But I don’t want them in my house.

Anyway, today was another Critter Day at work, and we hosted a group called BugWorks, affectionately referred to as “the bug ladies.” They’ve got spiders and scorpions, millipedes, beetles and lots of other bugs, most of which even I have to admit are pretty cool. But this is one bug that I really do like.
March 21 2009
This Giant Asian Mantis sat out on this plant for 2 hours and visitors got a good look at  her. She’s quite large, about 3 inches, with a very distinct head and eyes (which is probably why I prefer them to other bugs). At one point, she was fed a cricket and I was totally fascinated watching her eat.

all in all, a good critter day was had by all. except for the cricket.


I seem to be about recovered from the stomach bug from hell. My fabulous neighbor and good friend across the street bought me bananas and electrolyte loaded fruit juice to get the good stuff back in my system. It’s a good thing she’s around; I wasn’t in any shape to leave the house for any extended period of time.
March 20 2009

anything for me?

Remember being little and always hoping there would be something for you in the mail? I don’t think we ever get over that feeling. Even though now the mail is always for you, I think we all still hope for something really exciting in the mailbox.
March 19 2009


this was most of my day today:
March 18 2009
I stayed home from work with the stomach bug from hell. I actually had a fever yesterday afternoon, but today it’s just been….well, I’ll spare  you the details. Let’s just say, not one of my prettier days…
You can see Parker is keeping an eye on me. Sort of. Not really.