no trash

Once upon a time, you were actually allowed to throw trash in the trash bins on the commuter rail cars. But then 9/11 happened, or something close after, and the world panicked and they thought people would put bombs in the trash. So they sealed up the bins and now you can’t throw trash away on the train anymore, so people just leave crap on the seats, the tables, the racks or the floor.
June 24 2009

just no

everything about this man just says “no.”  arms crossed, severe glare, gun,  cute little state trooper hat. No, you may not come down here; no you may not park your car there; no, you may not pass go or collect $200.
June 23 2009


some people just have the sense of humor of a 14 year old boy:
June 23 2009bonus
and sometimes I am one of those people  🙂

NO not this way

A new week, a new theme. This is the week of “no.”
This first sign is at the exit (not the exit?) of the local Shaw’s. It took me a second to get what it was trying to say, but it amused me at any rate.
June 22 2009
Replaced the camera today. Hoping this one is longer lived.

improved stairs

So we’re hoping to have the carpet removed from the second floor sometime soon, including the stairs. Doug did a trial run on one step, removing the carpeting and then sanding and oiling the step. I think it will look nice once they’re all done.
June 21 2009
In other news, I dropped and killed my camera yesterday, so this pic was taken on Doug’s old Nikon. Hoping to replace the camera at the local independent shop tomorrow.

stone stairs

These are the stairs in front of my friends Michael and Sabrina’s house. They’re very rustic and attractive, but they lead up to a steep path and are not the greatest things to be walking on in wet weather. So no one uses them–everyone uses the side door, as is the case for many houses in New England.
June 20 2009

stairs by the Channel

When I walk from the train station to work, there are a couple of routes I can take. Usually I decide based on which way the traffic lights are.  One route involves going down this little flight of stairs from the street, and walking along right next to the water. Which is certainly nicer if there’s something interesting to see, like jellyfish or a duck. But today, there was just water.
June 17 2009

main stairs

These are the main stairs in the museum. As stairs go, they’re pretty fun in that there’s lots of interesting things to see as you go up and down them. Not the least of which is the 3 story climbing structure that is always full of kids navigating their way through.
June 16 2009

the stairs to clean teeth

This week I’m looking at stairs. I realized the other day that I climb stairs a lot; when you have pneumonia and crossing the room makes you breathless, you become very aware of stairs.

These are the stairs at my dentist’s office. I don’t know if it’s carpet cleaner or what, but there is a very distinct peppery smell as you enter this building. I notice it every time.
June 15 2009
His office is at the top, immediately on the right.