lazarus bush

This is (I think) a Bluebeard.  We planted it shortly after we moved, then had to move it when we put the porch on, then had to move it again when the porch was done.  In spite of all that being dug up and replanted multiple times, this plant has thrived.  Hence…lazarus bush.

accessible tech

I was helping a blind woman out with some things around her apartment, and one of the things she needed was for me to see if I could figure out why she was having trouble with some email and websites.

This is her tablet.  The white dots in the front “read” the content of the message, webpage or whatever, and translate it into Braille, which she can then read. The top buttons are what she uses to type in Braille, and then that is translated into written English.  The top part flips up to a screen that a sighted person can use.

I thought this was super cool.  She found  me amusing.