
Otis is a screech owl who lives at the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center in Mystic CT.  Like  nearly all the birds who live there, he can’t be released into the wild, though I don’t remember his specific reason.  That said, one of the staff told us about the sharp-shinned hawk in the enclosure next door, who will be released later this week.  Good news!


At work today, we did a very simple craft project, expecting it to be too busy for something complex.  Kids made a pendant out of a wood sample tile, hung it on a piece of yarn, then added it to our “chandelier” or wore it as a necklace.  I really like how this picture came out.

peek a boo-boo

Cut myself on an exposed metal pole the other day, resulting in a perfect semi-circle.   One of the “eyes” is  a mostly natural freckle (I augmented it a bit), the other is totally artificial.   What the picture doesn’t show very well is the nice round bruise making the shape of the face.