
I was walking to work and spotted a man taking a photo of…something.  I stopped to ask him what he was looking at, and he pointed out this “dirtberg” that appeared to be suspended over the bench.  I told him about Project365, and then sat down to take the photo myself.  After a few shots, I realized the seed pod (?) in front of the snow had captured my camera’s focus, and turned out this pretty great picture.  I did no color adjustment here, just some cropping.


We interviewed someone for a position at work today, and as part of the interview, she was asked to come up with some sort of program on the subject of one of our live animals.  She had us design terrariums for the snake.  My coworker made this one, complete with a reflecting pool for the Eiffel tower, and featuring the snake himself.  As always….my job is a funny thing.