Yesterday, I posted that my version of working from home is doing things like baking fossil rocks. For my coworker, it’s making amber candy with chocolate “bugs.”
Month: January 2017
fossil rocks
When most people do work from home, they’re probably online, working remotely. When I work from home, I do things like bake real fossils into artificial rocks.
Not Avenue Q
Went to see this show today. It was at times very funny, also offensive, graphic and bizarre. Not quite what I was expecting, but it was a good performance regardless.
In observation of the upcoming Japanese holiday of Setsuban, Watson is sporting an oni mask. Behind it, he’s probably wondering what he did to deserve this shit.
New credit card arrived in the mail today, though it seems to be missing something. On the plus side, I didn’t have to do any editing to blur out the important bits.
Went to an educators’ open house at a local tech company tonight. It wasn’t great, mainly because we didn’t have enough time to really play. That said, someone managed to make a pretty excellent scribble-bot.
obstacle course
I think this is a result of people not putting their carts away, and the wind blowing things around.
complimentary jeans
I love these jeans. And they love me 🙂
mmm, yeast extract
I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve ever seen vegemite in a store here. And with good reason, as far as I’m concerned….that stuff is nasty.
an elephant watches
One of the kids brought this elephant with him to a school program today. While the kids were busy working on their projects, Elephant just observed.