epic battle

There’s a battle that’s been going on at work for some time now. It’s pretty much set between two offices, but a lot of us are watching it intently. We all have ideas on how it will turn out. It’s…

Decembe 10 2009

Literally set on the wall between the cubicles of our health/fitness educator and our early childhood educator, I’m not even sure how it started. You can see Plastic Boy has already been decapitated. But the battle rages on…
Dec 10 2009bvsDec 10 2009a

rock the vote

It’s weird to be voting in December, but today was the special primary to decide who will be our new senator. As of 6:00pm, only about 10% of Mass. residents have voted. I suppose the Democrat candidates are all pretty similar, but hopefully when it’s time to actually choose someone, there will be a better turnout.
December 8 2009

feel the burn

My gym changed their class schedule to one that doesn’t work for me at all, so I’m off to a new one. This place is insanely huge, but it has a ton of different classes at lots of convenient times, which is what I need.
December 7 2009
not pictured:  pool, hot tub, indoor track, and lots more other random stuff


We picked up the first share of meat from the CSA today.  When you do this, you arrive at this field and there are little coolers lined up on the ground. You have to walk among them to find the one with your name on it. Off to the side are boxes with assorted parts (like livers and tongues, which we are totally buying next time) and eggs, which we did buy today.
December 6 2009


I realized today that I have taken pictures of the snake and the lizard at work, but none of the turtles. When I came into the turtle room today, there was Castor, posing on top of the log, as though he had had the very same thought.
December 2 2009