painting jeans

I have had these jeans forever--I’m kind of amazed I can still squeeze into them. I have used them for every paint project for at least 10 years, and I actually try to make sure to get at least one smear of each color on them.
September 7 2009
I like that you can see my feet waaay down the end there.

details: primer

this week I’m playing around with looking at details, picking out one small image from the big picture, as it were.

Today, Doug and I attacked the Green Bathroom–the monstrosity of a paint-job that is our upstairs bath. When we’re done, it will be the same soft yellow as the downstairs bath, but here we’ve just started in with the primer.
September 7 2009

Parker #2

You wouldn’t think it would be that challenging to get a close-up a blind cat–you just move in close and take your picture. But the problem is that his head is always moving–listening, smelling, feeling.  But eventually, he did stop for a moment and I was able to get photo.
September 1 2009