gettin’ around: take to the seas!

The Tall Ships are in town this week, and there were just masses of people going to look at them. This is one of those things that I wonder why people drag their very young kids to–look, honey, a big boat. No, you can go on it and no, it’s not going anywhere and there aren’t any pirates, but you can sure look at it.
July 11 2009
(actually, to this day, that kind of sums up my opinion of many historical-type destinations. But I suppose the boats are pretty.)

lilypad red

Another beautiful day and Doug and I were able to take out the canoe for the first time this season. There were a lot of lilypads, and I noticed as the wind flipped them up that they are red on the underside.
June 5 2009

flash of red

Happy 4th of July! And finally…a beautiful day and lovely evening. We were told that our new hometown puts on a great show for the Fourth, and it’s within easy walking distance from our house. So we had some friends over for the afternoon, then walked over to enjoy the show.
July 4 2009

Three cheers for the red white and blue…
July 4 2009a

my little red hat

It’s been raining since…oh…since the dawn of time, it seems. Or at least cloudy. For some reason, most raincoats are in shades of black and brown, adding to the dreariness. I like to think that my red rain hat adds a little color to an otherwise dismal landscape.
July 2 2009
(my new camera has this cool feature where you can tell it to have only one color show, and everything else black and white. I’m sure I’ll play with it more in the future. )