A lot of update today, aside from the countertop slabs.
The electrician was on site today, and installed our permanent in-ceiling cans (Cree CR6). These look great! He also installed one example of the pendants and one of the undercabinet lights.
Here you can see all three. The color temperature of the recessed lights and pendants is very close to each other (around 2700K), and the undercabinet lights are are a little whiter (3000K). This is a good combination that will make the undercabinet lights appear a little brighter than they are without adding glare. I am looking forward to darkness this evening so we can see how well they really work.
Besides the lights, the electricians got about half the outlets & switches activated today. They anticipate being back on Friday to finish up the rest.
Also… the sunroom begins! We have a ledger (up against the house) and the start of the main outside beams. The weather appears to be improving this week more quickly than anticipated, so I am hoping for speedy progress on the rest of the sunroom framing this week.