The bulk of the demolition took place today. They moved our old fridge and one section of base cabinet into the basement, so our temporary kitchen is now complete. Then they really went to town on the walls, floor, and ceiling. They did a nice job of not damaging the plaster in any of the adjacent rooms, and there was a surprisingly low amount of dust left by the time we came home.

The false ceiling in the old kitchen proper is indeed, as we suspected, concealing all the plumbing from the bathrooms on the second floor — as well as some heating pipes — and removing & rebuilding it would only gain us a couple inches of height. We’ll see if the contractor wants to shore it up in place, or tear it down and rebuild it entirely. One surprise is that there is no center beam — the joists in the ceiling are single boards spanning from one side of the house to the other. These two things taken together mean that I think they’ll have no trouble at all hiding the beam for the wall we’re removing.
As I posted on my Project 365 today, it looks like — under several layers of floor — we may have the original 120 year old fir floor. If this is the case, and it’s in good enough shape, and there’s no asbestos layer we’d have to deal with, I think we’d strongly consider restoring this original floor in the original kitchen and trying to match it in the new part.