
Lis brought home an iRobot Create 2 (a Roomba without some of the vacuum bits) to see if we could figure out how to control it with Scratch, a kids’ programming environment created by MIT. The answer is: yes, we could figure out out; no, it’s probably not suitable for her employer’s audience.

Here we have the beginnings of a control program to navigate a simple maze. Unfortunately the Scratch iRobot commands are frustratingly unreliable for even this simple task.


No, this is not a silver spork! OK, yes, technically this is a combination fork/spoon made of silver. But officially it is an “ice cream fork”. It seems that in the early 1900s ice cream was just too difficult to wrangle with an ordinary spoon.

(Yes, I am cheating: this photo is from yesterday, but it’s too good to pass up.)