Beer Advent Calendar day 21: Three Floyds Alpha Klaus Christmas Porter. Now that’s what I’m talking about, a proper brew for the longest night of the year. Dark as midnight, a lot of roastiness backed by some sweetness, and as the bottle says, “tons of strange American hops”.
Beer 20
Beer 19
Beer 18
Beer 17
Beer Advent Calendar day 17: Bent Water Horchata Relic, imperial stout with vanilla beans and cinnamon, aged in rum barrels. What was I saying about non-extreme beers? This one is 12.3% ABV — just 2 percentage points less than the Malbec I had with dinner. Cinnamon is very assertive, almost hot (backed up by the alcohol I’m sure). Glad I’m not driving!
Beer 16
Beer Advent Calendar day 16: Allagash Day’s End. “Ale brewed with Lambrusco grape must, Angelica root, and bitter orange, aged in bourbon barrels. Inspired by the Boulevardier cocktail.” See, this is why I’ve essentially stopped homebrewing. If I tried something like this it would turn out the flavor equivalent of Kindergarten Brown. But the pros have the experience — and the practice runs — to pull it off.
Beer 15
Beer Advent Calendar day 15: Jack’s Abby Red Tape Amber Lager. Tonight’s selection continues the theme of beers I would walk past (and probably have) in the beer store, but are pretty good. Or maybe it’s just a confirmation of my status as a Beer Omnivore, that any beer past a certain level of quality tastes good to me.
Beer 14
Beer 13
Beer Advent Calendar day 13: Dublin City Brewing Renegade Red Ale. So far this is the most non-local beer, from Dublin, Ireland (beating out Sierra Nevada by a few hundred miles). This is a very nice beer, with a surprising amount of flavor (roasty / grain giving way to hop bitterness) given the low ABV (4.2%).