On this afternoon’s nature walk: this raven was being yelled at by crows. I was lucky to get a couple shots before it flew off.
I also saw about 100 mallards taking advantage of the open water on the river.
Doug's photo blog — originally a photo a day, now not so much
Today I’m recycling the cans/bottles from my Beer Advent Calendar, but first I wanted to go through them and see if I learned anything. Here are the beers in rough order of how much I enjoyed them, taking into consideration not only deliciousness (of course) but also comparison to expectations. Favorites in the top row, least favorite on the bottom.
Some notes:
Beer Advent Calendar day 24: Anchor Brewing Our Special Ale 2022. Subtle winter warmer (spice) flavors atop a very competent brown ale. This is the last beer in the calendar, and it’s been fun! I hope you enjoyed following along with me.
Sadly, I won’t be able to get this calendar again next year because the Newton franchise of Craft Beer Cellar is closing! I was able to go in one last time to thank him for the calendar and wish him well — and pick up some heavily discounted glassware.
Beer Advent Calendar day 23: Greater Good Gingerbread Ale, Imperial ale with cinnamon, ginger, and molasses. When I signed up for a Beer Advent Calendar I figured on getting a lot of beers like this one. I’m glad there have been a few, but I am just as glad most were just well-selected examples of non-season-specific styles.
Beer Advent Calendar day 22: Amory’s Tomb Farm Road Honey Saison. This is yet another beer that I would probably pass by on the shelf, and yet is more to my liking than I’d expect from reading the can. “Crisp, easy drinking, and light” is not what I’m looking for this time of year; but there’s more complexity here than that description implies.